Tuesday 21 September 2010

двадесет и първи септември

Today you're twenty-five, I made you something fine
It's in the palm of my new hand, it's out
You're mostly what I think about and I'm proud
I've been coasting on this singles route
But I still hear your name in wedding bells
Will I look better or will I look the same rotting in hell?
You're the only proper noun I need
Hurry, my copper crown's gone green
Pull me, pull me on out of this tree
I'm stuck up a branch waiting
Clearly caught between two things unclear to me


Twenty-five carved with a butter knife
On the palm of my new hand, it's out
You're mostly what I think about


така бе преди 365 дни. добре помня притесненията и странните схеми на онази вечер. много неща бяха преживяни оттогава, но и до сега нещата стоят не много по-различно. това не бива да има значение. 

нека две години след онази вечер, да имаш една нощ красива, изпълнена с приятелите, обичта им и една топла любов. силен и красив!


1 comment:

shentov said...

благодаря, дете.